Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkins with Attitude

Here are a few of our pumpkins with attitude. We've worked really hard in third grade to learn about drawing tools, grouping, and multiple text tools. We did these pumpkins in PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a great place to make pictures becuase you can also export your slides as jpgs!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Showcase Our School

The fourth grade is teaming up with other schools across the United States to showcase our school. This project will expose our students to digital photography, voice recordings, and basic photo/movie editing techniques. Each class will put together one voicethread about our school, and each student will put together their own video about the life of a fourth grade student using Windows Movie Maker.

To begin, each student was paired with a partner and given a specific area of the school to take pictures of using the digital cameras. We learned how to upload pictures and how to move folders. Next, we created avatars for our voicethread profiles. Currently, we are working on our scripts. Our scripts will help us when we do our voice recordings. Lastly, we will be using Movie Maker to make our videos. This is going to take us several weeks, but it's going to be a lot of fun!

Check back soon to watch some of our videos.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PowerPoint - More Than Just a Slide Show

It's very important to understand that anytime we learn a new program, such as PowerPoint, we learn it in pieces. It's similiar to when you visit a new mall or theme park; you have to look at your surroundings and study them.

We use PowerPoint, at the beginning of the year, as a drawing template for learning how to use our drawing tools. We are learning how to use our shapes, fill shapes, change line color, and move an object. We know how to duplicate an object, undo our mistakes, and group an object with multiple parts.

These steps are important in learning how to use some basic functions of PowerPoint and to prepare us for our Halloween project called "Pumpkins with Attitude."